
Friday, August 31, 2012

Thelma's Peppers, Marinated Sweet Peppers

These are the most delicious peppers.  You can't put them up and process them, they need to go in the refrigerator.  So, if you make any of these for gifts you need to plan accordingly.  They will be ready in a week.

Called "Thelma's Peppers" because Thelma, an Italian very good friend of my Mom used to make them for us and then gave us the recipe.  They won't last in the house long, because they are so good.  Delicious on their own or add to an antipasti platter.
 You can use red, yellow or green or a combination of colors.  For this one, I made just red.  Combinations look pretty on the antipasto tray.  You can even try this with hot peppers, although I have not done so, yet. 

The recipe:

  • 6 peppers hard & firm thick skins
  • 1 cup each of oil, (I used Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil) vinegar & water.  Use a little less vinegar & little more water. 
  • 1 tbsp each of salt & sugar.
  • 1 1/2 tsp mustard seed
  • 1/2 tsp celery seed.
  • 3 large cloves garlic sliced thin.
  • 1 small onions sliced thin & separated into rings.( I did not use the small onions or slice thinly)

Wash & cut peppers into slices about the size of a thick finger.  In a large pan bring to a boil, oil, vinegar, water, garlic & spices.

Add peppers & blanch for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.  Add onions and pack into jar.  (You need to use tall jars so you can fit the whole slice of pepper) 
Run a knife around sides & leave 1/2 inch at top.  Seal & turn upside down to see if it leaks.  Store in Refrig.  Ready to eat in 1 week.  

 Other blogs and recipes:

Apple Crisp Crunch Recipe
Baked Stuffed Lobster
Blueberry Breakfast Cake
Boston Baked Beans
Bread & Butter Pickles
Cast Iron Frying Pan (Cooking Steak)

Cast Iron Pan Toast
Chili Sauce Recipe
Cranberry Orange 
Fall and Winter Recipes on Pinterest
Feathered Rice Recipe
Herbal Vinegars
Honey Taffy
Le Petit Jardin
Lemon Nut Bread (Shelia Broomell's)
Lobster Chowder (chowdah) Recipe
Mass 4H 1936
Mayo's Duck Farm (Lemon Meringue Pie)
Micro-Batch Canning
Nantucket Clam Bake
New England Clam Fritters
New England Cranberry Jam
New England Foods
Old New England Recipes (Clam Chowder)
Old-Fashioned Apple Crisp Crunch
Old-Fashioned Figgy Pudding Recipe
Organize on Pinterest
Piccolo Giardino Jams & Jellies
Piccolo Giardino (the small garden)
Butter Cookies, Anise Cookies and Coconut Cream Pie
Spaghetti con salsa di Pomodorie e Mele
Thelma's Peppers
What is Slow food?
Why do they call it canning?

See other pickling, jams & jellies made this season.  

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