
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Gilchrist's Macaroons Recipe Boston, MA

I always enjoyed going to Filene's Basement in downtown Boston with my Mom when I was a young girl.  We took the MTA as it was called backed then, with my aunts. 

The sights, the sounds, the food and the good bargains found (usually clothes).  During every trip into town which was every Saturday between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we would stop at Gilchrist's and get some macaroons. 

These were the best, different than the French macarons (also good).  The Gilchrist macaroons were a light almost crispy top and soft chewy moist insides.

Here is a recipe my Mom wrote down many years ago.  I just found this today in her collection. 

1/2 lb or 1 cup almond paste
1 cup conf. sugar
3 egg whites
pinch salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
gran. sugar

Work paste and sugar with fingers until blended, add egg whites one at a time and salt & vanilla.
Put thru pastry bag with plain end on parchment paper well spaced.  Sprinkle with sugar, bake 20 min 300 degrees.  Remove sheet of paper and place on damp cloth.  Makes about 3 doz.

See also Jordan Marsh Blueberry Muffins

 Here's also the typewritten on index card


  1. Sometimes I made these while working in the Marble Spa during the early 60s!

    1. Hi just read your blog and I also worked at the spa back in the early 60s I was 16 and remember the macaroons... I loved their meatloaf with gravy that had peas in it and their hot fudge was the greatest. Even now I can remember what everyone look like but not to good on names other then Mae, Nora, Jean. You brought back a lot of good memories... Thank you!

    2. I found one of your recipes online for Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins. I could have sworn the handwriting was a remarkable resemblance to my Irish Grandmother we called Yia Yia... she loved to cook and I've been considering publishing her recipes for a long time. It's nice to see others keeping these traditional New England recipes alive. Thank you

    3. Hey, this is Ivan Lee. Worked at the Marble Spa also. If you visit this site. contact me at : I would love to hear from you.

  2. These sound great! I love how many variations macaron/macaroons have!


    1. Mal, love your site too. It's just so much fun to see all the 'old' recipes.

  3. I worked at the Marble Spa, and though I never made the macaroons, it was my job to get huge bags of sugar from storage (where you could hear the subway trains through the walls).

  4. Oh, David that's so funny about the subway (MTA back then?)! Glad you got the sugar, must have been heavy though, maybe 50 lbs?

  5. My grandmother used to give us these in the late 60's when we lived in Belmont. They came in their own little waxed sleeve. That and the red, green and white pistachio nuts. Great memories. So different from French macaroons.

  6. I KNEW someone would remember these!! We lived also outside of Boston and my grandmother would make monthly pilgrimages into the city on the T and always come back with a box of these macaroons. Thank you for this

  7. I also worked in the marble spa, early 70's . I used to help May make the macaroons in the rat infested basement.

    1. Who is this? I worked there also, setting up the materials for the macaroon. This Ivan Lee. I hope you are around to talk about the fun time king at Gilchrist

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  9. I fondly remember these macaroons 💓 Every payday I brought a dozen for my mother. I always managed to 'lose' one or two on the commute back to Acton. I had a crush on the Conductor :) my mother, first thing was to open all the crispy envelopes they were in, it made them a little chewier being open to the air in our pantry. I agree with another commenter, the writing looks so much like my Mom's!
