
Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's all about you, honey!

I don't know how I came across this book, but it's so neat.  I love to collect old recipe books and cook books that were published way back when and I have a much too large collection.  I found this book, and thought it was nice,  had a lot of interesting tips and information, but I didn't know how much info was in this book.  I always pick up these types of books at yard sales and thrift shops, because, well, you never know. 

1st - Most of the recipes include honey, how cool is that?
When I started leafing through the recipes, I saw this one for honey taffy. I've made taffy before, but not honey taffy, so will have to try this one.

 2nd - There is an Everyday Herb Guide
 3rd -  What shall we have for dinner section
 4th -  What to serve with what

and so much more.  Some community cook books have a little bit, but this one has everything.

Ways to use left-overs!  A great idea in these economically uncertain times.  One can always be resourceful and creative with just a little bit of help.

The complete book is here.

Interested in the Essex County Beekeepers Association, their home page is here.

More about honey and health benefits.

I guess we'll always have a love affair with you, honey.

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